
Barnett Wood Infant School

Year 2 2024-25

W/B 30th September 


This week, we have been exploring how houses have changed over time as part of our learning in History. The children loved looking at each other's houses and talking about how old their houses are. We created a timeline and talked about some of their key features. We think the oldest houses in our classes were built in the late 1800s! 


In PSHE we have been thinking about our rights and responsibilities, as well as rewards and consequences. The children came up with many great suggestions. We thought about realistic time frames for sanctions... e.g. sitting on the 'thinking step' for three hours might be a bit excessive! 


The children are now preparing for our Harvest celebrations. The narrators have their words to learn - please see the reading diaries - and the musicians have begun to practise playing their musical instrument. 


We are so impressed with how many reading raffle tickets the children are earning each week! Please  make sure you record any reading that you do together at home in your child's diary so that they can earn all the tickets they deserve.


We have taught the children how to use the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' strategy so that they can practice their spellings independently, but please do take the time to support your child to learn their spellings each week so that any trickier words can be targeted with your help. Thank you so much! 


We are very proud of our Year 2 ambassadors and how brilliantly they guided our visitors around the school on Thursday this week. Well done, Badgers and Foxes! 


Thank you so much to all the parents and grandparents who were able to volunteer to accompany us on our walk to St George's next Monday - we were inundated with helpers in the end, which was amazing! The office will have emailed you to say yes please or no thank you. If you are unsure, please do ask.

We are very much looking forward to learning about the history of the church. 


Have a lovely weekend, everyone! 




W/B 23rd September

Wow! The weeks are just flying by and we can't quite believe that we are already half way through this half term!


Year 2 have really impressed us with their story writing this week. We have been innovating the story of Zig the Alien and the children have been able to let their imaginations run wild! We are really enjoying reading their stories.


We have now completed our first Maths unit of the year on Place Value. Next week, we will begin a new unit on addition and subtraction. In order to prepare for this learning, you might like to practise recalling number bonds on this website:


In Science this week, we have been learning about Amphibians and Reptiles and we had a very special visitor - Lily, who is Ms Higgins' tortoise! We learned that reptiles have five needs for survival. Can you tell your adult what they are? We hope you enjoy looking at the photos below. 


With only four weeks to go, we are starting to think about the Harvest festival. Some children will have words to learn. They will be stuck into your child's reading diary so that you can practise at home. Some children will play musical instruments which we will practise playing at school. You are in for a treat as we are going to be singing some fabulous songs! 


Finally, we just want to draw your attention to the email that was sent earlier about our History learning next week - if you can, please send in a photograph of your home on Monday.


Have a great weekend!


Badgers Meet Lily!

W/B 16th September

Welcome to Week 3 where the children have been lucky enough to continue to access the field and enjoy this lovely weather.


Hopefully you have now all heard the story of Zig the Alien! This week the children have been innovating parts of the story and we have been so impressed with the range of vocabulary they have been able to brainstorm.


In Maths we have continued to look at place value and number, in relation to other numbers, including estimating where a number might be placed on a number line. If you would like to see what experts your children have become, take a look at the following link where the children can use interactive number lines to place the numbers.


In Computing, our current focus is Online Safety, looking at safe searching, emails and our digital footprints. It may be a good opportunity to revisit online safety at home and review parental controls. Perhaps your child could advise you on things you might need to consider...


Now that children are confident with note b, we are beginning to learn to play note a on our recorders. Next week we will learn out first tune 'What's the time?' using both the notes a and b. Something for you all to look forward to the children practising at home!


Wishing you all a lovely weekend!

Meet the Teacher

Please find the slides from the presentation below. 

W/B 9th September 2024


The first full week back in Year 2 has been packed full of exciting learning!


An alien called Zig visited our classrooms this week. We didn't actually get to see him but he left glitter, slime and footprints all over the place! We have started to learn a story all about him - it's called 'Zig the Alien'. Ask us to retell it to you!


In Maths we have been learning to write numbers as words and we have been learning about the value of the digits within a number. We practised different ways of partitioning numbers using Base 10. Did you know that numbers can be partitioned in different ways? For example,

68 = 60 + 8

68 = 50 + 18

68 = 40 + 28

68 = 30 + 38

and so on.

You might like to practise this at home over the weekend.


We created beautiful self-portraits in Art this week, and in Music we have been learning about pulse. We played some games to help us keep the pulse. We have also learned to play the recorder and can all play note 'b'. The children were given their own recorders which are theirs to keep - please look after them and make sure you bring them back to school each day. 

We really loved learning about what our school was like in the past in our History learning this week! In Computing we are learning about safe searching within Purple Mash and on the wider internet. If you want to practise at home, your login can be found at the front of your reading record. 


We have enjoyed reading every day in school, especially our reading for pleasure times and our daily story times before we go home. We would love to see the children earning lots of raffle tickets for reading at home at least three times during the week as well!


Next week we will begin our Phonics lessons, where we will be recapping 'Phase 5'. 


Have a lovely weekend! 

