
Barnett Wood Infant School

Year 1 2024-25

Phonics Overview Autumn 2

Phonics Home Learning Autumn 2

Week Beginning 6th January

A Happy New Year to you all.


The children have returned to school eager to learn and make progress.

In English we have started our next writing unit about The Enormous Turnip and this morning we found one in our classroom! We will be learning some new writing skills over the next two weeks and then innovating the story with our own ideas. Everyone seems excited to get going.


In Maths, we have been learning to count and recognise different representations of amounts between 10 and 20. Focusing on ten and a bit and counting on from 10. 


In Science, we have compared winter with Autumn and enjoyed a chilly, winter walk to look for signs of the season. We even saw the moon in the afternoon sky. Next week we will be planting seeds and learning more about plants.

In Maths we continue learning about the place value of numbers to 20 and in English, we will be focusing on similes, expanded noun phrases and alliteration. 


A reminder that PE kits need to be in school and fully named.

We hope you have a good weekend.

Construction club, Winter walk and classroom activities.

Week Beginning 16th December

This week we finished our instruction writing about Santa. Everyone worked really hard and remembered to use the tools in our toolkit. After half term we will be learning a new text, The Enormous Turnip. 

In Maths this week we revisited addition, number bonds and shape. We made wrapping paper using the 2D shape stamps. We will be looking at numbers to 20 after the holidays. 








In Science this week we learnt about materials and if they absorbed water. After half term we will be planting and growing seeds. 


A massive THANK YOU from the year one team for all our lovely gifts, we really appreciate your support. Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Christmas Performance - Costumes

The children have decided what they would like to dress up as for the Christmas performance and the costume letters are in their book bags. Please make sure the costumes are in school by Tuesday 10th December in a named plastic bag. 

Week Beginning 2nd December

This week we started learning our new text 'How to Trap the Big Bad Wolf', we have been looking at instruction writing all week. On Monday we wrote instructions for making toast and tasted our own toast afterwards. This unit will continue next week looking at the skills of instruction writing. 

This week in Maths we have been learning about shapes. We started the week revisiting 3D shapes and then moved on to 2D shapes. We used the 3D shapes to make patterns and went on a shape hunt around the school. You might want to continue the shape hunt over the weekend!

For Science this week we learnt about floating and sinking, first we made predictions about each object and then tested the objects in water to see if they float or sank. Next week we will learn about absorption. 

Art and DT Morning

Please click the link to sign up to come in and help us at Art and DT Morning Wednesday 4th December - Helpers sign up form



As part of our Christmas Crafts we will be making angels using some recycled materials. Please find attach the list of materials needed to make your child’s angel. Please send in this number of items in a named plastic bag for your child to use, by Wednesday 4th December. We will provide extra decorative resources.

Thank you

The Year 1 team


Week Beginning 25th November

This week, we completed our writing about the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood and edited and illustrated our work. Next week we start a new unit with a focus on writing instructions.


In Maths, we have been subtracting by crossing out and by counting back on a number line. We also began our unit about shape, starting with 3D shapes. The terminology we use for 3D shapes is edges, faces, curved surface and vertex. We are continuing this next week and will learn about 2D shapes and repeating patterns.


In science, we focused on water as a material and how we freeze it solid and melt it to a liquid. We had to release the toys from the ice by using different sources of warmth.


Please can the children bring in their bits and pieces to make their angels by Tuesday. If there are any other parents or grandparents that can help on DT morning, Owls especially and Rabbits would very much appreciate it.


We wish you a sunny, first weekend of Advent.

Week Beginning 18th November

This week we continued to learn the story of Little Red Riding Hood, we created a toolkit around the story to help us write our own final piece. The tools we will be using are alliteration, adjective with a comma and describe using the power of three. We changed the villain in our story to a bear so that we could focus on a character description. Next week we will write a character description of the wolf. 

In Maths this week we have been looking at related number facts with a focus on subtraction. We looked at how to find the missing part. We will continue with this next week, and begin to look at shapes. 

Science this half term is materials, so we chose different objects in the classroom and identified the materials they were made of. Next week we will be looking at ice. 


Week Beginning 11th November

What a great week of learning!

We continue our writing unit about character descriptions and introduced Little Red Riding Hood. We have been describing the wolf using alliteration and noun phrases. We created a story plan and acted out the story together.


In Maths, we continue to learn about addition by finding missing parts. We have been writing number sentences and solving word problems. Next week we begin using our addition facts to support subtraction.


In science, we investigated rocks by comparing mass and texture. We then sorted them for these properties.


In DT, we designed the fruit salad that we are going to make next week.


Friday was a very colourful, happy day with us all dressed in our own choice of clothes to contribute to Children in Need. 


We wish you a wonderful weekend.

Week Beginning 4th November

Welcome back! What a busy week we've had! In English this week we have been writing about the Gruffalo, we looked at adjectives and created our own Spine Poems. Next week we will begin our new English unit - Little Red Riding Hood!
In Maths this week we have been working systematically to find all of our number bonds, we will continue working with equations to 10 next week. 

In Science this week we have started looking at Materials, our unit for this half term. We sorted objects based on their materials and sorted them into categories.

Thank you for all your kind words of support this week we really enjoyed seeing you all at parent's evening heart

Have a lovely weekend!

Phonics Home Learning Autumn 1

Week Beginning 21st October 

This week we finished our Paddington stories and have illustrated them, we have been sharing the stories in front of the class. It has been so lovely to see the children work so hard and really enjoy this unit. After Half Term we will be looking at the story of Little Red Riding Hood. 

In Maths this week we have been continuing to look at addition and subtraction, we will be continuing with this after half term. 

In Science this week we went on an Autumn walk around the school grounds and collected Autumn objects on the field. Next half term we will be learning about Materials. 

Have a lovely Half Term! 

W/B 14th October 2024

This week we have continued writing our Paddington stories, taking him to different places and innovating by choosing relevant adjectives for the new settings. We are really impressed with the stamina of our Year 1 writers. Next week will be finishing our stories and editing where necessary.


In Maths, we have been placing numbers on a number line and we also introduced part whole diagrams. We focused on understanding that the parts are added together to make the whole amount. We also introduced the + symbol and writing equations such as 4+6 = 10. We continue with this concept next week and complete assessments of our learning so far this term.


In science, we learnt about the sense of smell. We investigated and identified different smells e.g. lemon, mint, orange and lavender. We recorded our results clearly.


We are looking forward to seeing you at our Harvest celebration on Tuesday morning. 

Mrs Ball and Miss Charlton

W/B 7th October 2024

This week we have been writing the beginning of our Paddington stories, we started the week by innovating the stories to make them our own, then we wrote the beginning. We will continue writing these stories next week. We are so impressed at how well everyone knows the Paddington story, it is lovely to see everyone so engaged in this unit.

In Maths this week we have been looking at number lines and missing numbers, we played a game on the computer with missing numbers, you may want to revisit this at home

In Science this week we carried on learning about our senses and looked at our sense of touch. We felt different objects and looked at words to describe the feel of these objects. 

30th September

In English this week, we have been innovating our Paddington story, by thinking about a new setting for him to visit in London. We thought of similes and adjectives to describe the new setting and changed our story plan. 

Next week we complete our hot write. This is an independent writing activity using the scaffolding and learning we have experienced over the last few weeks.


In Maths, we have been comparing amounts using the vocabulary more/greater. less/fewer and same/equal. We did this practically and then recorded our results.

Next week we will be comparing numbers, counting back within ten and finding one less. We will also be finding missing numbers on a number line.


In science, we focused on the sense of taste. We learn about the five tastes and investigated different foods. We then recorded these using the correct vocabulary.



27th September

This week we have been continuing to learn our Paddington story, we have been practising 'short burst' writing skills to help us write our final piece. We looked at similes, sequencing a story and taking our character home again. Today we looked at the written text and talked about the meanings of different words, we also tasted Paddington's favourite snack...marmalade sandwiches!
In Maths this week we have been ordering and comparing groups, next week we will continue to practise this and start to use the greater than and less than symbols to compare. 


We had great fun in Art this week learning about Jackson Pollock. We learnt about drip painting and went outside to create our own Jackson Pollock style art work.  This week in Science we carried on with our senses and learnt about our sense of hearing. We went on a sound walk around the school and played guess the sound. 


Please remember to keep your Little Wandle group book in your bag on Thursdays and Fridays as we like to hear the children read indivdually and give them extra time to enjoy their book in class at the end of the week. Also please keep your Library and Reading for Pleasure books in your bag all week, this way they can be changed, shared and enjoyed regularly. 


We look forward to seeing you all at Bingo Later! laugh


Art - Jackson Pollock

20th September

We have had another great week of learning and getting used to Year 1.


In English this week, we had a mysterious visitor join our class. Paddington Bear introduced our focus text 'Paddington visits London'.  We have been sharing adjectives about different settings and writing a short journey story which takes Paddington from one setting to another. Next week we will be writing similes and learning how to take our character home at the end of a story.


In maths, we have been counting on from any number, adding one-more than a number to ten and counting back within ten.

Next week we will be finding one less and comparing groups.


In science, we learnt about the sense of sight and enjoyed a practical lesson. The children thought it would be tricky learning to read Braille. 


We had a brilliant dance lesson today! We used the weather as inspiration and learnt to move in counts of eight.


We hope you have a fabulous weekend.


13th September

We have had an amazing start to year 1! The children seem to be settling in and getting used to the new routines.

A few reminders:

Please can the phonics folders that the children had in Reception stay in their book bags as we will be adding home learning to them in every week.

Children need a water bottle every day.

Please can Reading Records stay in bookbags.

Little Wandle reading books need to be back on Mondays.


This week in English, we have completed a completely independent piece of writing (cold write) describing a setting. We have also written a senses poem about a setting. It was good to see everyone trying their best and some good levels of confidence. 

Next week we will introduce our main text.


In Maths, we have been sorting and counting amounts to and within ten. We have also been counting amounts from a larger group of objects and representing amounts in different ways.. In Mastering Number, we have been looking at the number 5 and its parts. We used the stem sentence ____ needs ____ to make 5.

Next week we will be recognising numbers as words, counting on from a number, calculating one more and counting backwards within 10.


In science we were answering the question: does the oldest person in the class have the longest feet. We drew around our foot and compared the sizes. 


In art so far, we have learnt about the artists Piet Mondrian and Mark Rothko. We created a collage using primary colours and a colour field painting. There are lots of great artists in year 1.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend and get plenty of rest.

