
Barnett Wood Infant School


EasyFundRaising – The BIG one! is a great extra way of raising money for the school - you don’t pay anything extra and earn us donations for free!


Its REALLY easy to use and is money for nothing!


You can shop directly at your favourite online stores via the links on the website and raise a donation whenever you make a purchase. Some retailers donate up to 15% of the value of your purchase. Thousands of stores participate with leading brands such as Amazon, WHSmith, M&S and more, making it one of the most effortless ways to fundraise for Barnett Wood School.


The easiest way to use it:


  1. Go to and sign up.

  2. If you visit a participating retailers website, a small reminder pops up.

  3. You just click the reminder to collect donations and carry on shopping as usual.

  4. There are no annoying ads and it does all the hard work for you.


Or, not quite as easy but just as good:


  1. If you want to buy something from Amazon, instead of going to Amazon directly, you first go to

  2. From the easyfundraising website, click through to Amazon to make your purchase. This tells Amazon you came from easyfundraising. The price of the items is exactly the same.

  3. After you buy your items, Amazon will give you a cash reward that you can turn into a donation for Barnett Wood School. easyfundraising collect it and send it to us at no extra cost.

Remember every Parent, Guardian or Carer is one of our Friends, please do get involved! Friends of Barnett Wood Registered charity number 1054368
