
Barnett Wood Infant School

Friends of Barnett Wood

As a new parent at Barnett Wood, you automatically become a member of the Friends. Don’t worry, there is no membership fee! There are, however, lots of activities that the Friends are involved in and lots of ways you can join in and help the school.


What do we do?


The Friends is the parents’ association for our school. You are all very welcome to get involved and come along to the monthly meetings. We are always keen to hear new ideas and see new faces!

The primary objective of the Friends is to organise social and fundraising events for the parents, teachers and children which are fun and also to raise money for the school. With this money we are able to pay for the running of the swimming pool and can help provide the additional items which make our  small school such a great, fun and stimulating place for our children. The Friends is a registered charity (1054368) and we also like to support local and national charities.


Why we do it?


Barnett Wood Infant School is an “Outstanding” school with amazing facilities, fabulous teachers and enthusiastic and supportive parents. We raise funds to run our swimming pool, keep our school technology up to date and help make our children enjoy this school as much as possible, both in and outside the classroom.


What can you do?

As much as you want /can! Everyone is busy but if you can help a little bit everyone benefits, especially our children.


The Friends always needs volunteers, whether it is for a half hour to run a stall or to become more involved and organise a whole event! You can get involved at any level you like from being a committee member to offering help at events.


With your help we can provide the very best for our children whilst they are at this outstanding school. Please do come along to a meeting, give us your ideas and offer help wherever you can. Without parents help, we would not be able to organise and run these events which benefit all our children. We understand that life is busy but if everyone does a little bit so much can be achieved when we work together.

Remember every Parent, Guardian or Carer is one of our Friends, please do get involved!

Friends of Barnett Wood Registered charity number 1054368
