
Barnett Wood Infant School

Behaviour and Safeguarding Curriculum

Our Behaviour Curriculum:

The Barnett Wood Way



At Barnett Wood Infant School, we aim to develop excellent standards of behaviour through our ‘Barnett Wood Way’ behaviour curriculum. This curriculum carefully defines the behaviours and habits that we expect pupils to demonstrate, and is underpinned by our five values of Kindness, Respect, Resilience, Trust and Aspiration. We want to support our pupils to grow into adults who are kind, polite and respectful, and who put others before themselves. We believe that as pupils practise these behaviours, over time they become automatic routines that positively shape how they feel about themselves and how other people perceive them. As philosopher Aristotle stated, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”


The ‘Barnett Wood Way’ behaviour curriculum is also based on the EEF’s Summary of recommendations in the document, ‘Improving Behaviour in Schools’, which states:

• Consistency and coherence at a whole-school level are paramount

• Behaviour programmes are more likely to have an impact on attainment outcomes if implemented at a whole-school level


Our behaviour curriculum also draws upon guidance from DfE’s ‘Behaviour in Schools’ (January 2022) which states:

• Good behaviour in schools is central to a good education. Creating a culture that promotes excellent behaviour requires a clear vision of what good behaviour looks like.

• A behaviour curriculum defines the expected behaviours in school, rather than only a list of prohibitive behaviour. It should represent the key habits and routines required by the school.




The curriculum is taught explicitly during the first week in the autumn term, alongside the traditional National Curriculum subjects. Children should learn the content of the curriculum so that they can recall the information and act upon it. At the start of each term, the ‘Barnett Wood Way’ curriculum is revisited with pupils and will continue to be reinforced throughout the year. As with other curriculum content, this should be taught using explicit teaching and will involve regular retrieval practice to check and strengthen retention. All adults will also demonstrate these behaviours. Adults will need to ensure pupils have time to practise these (particularly in the first few days of term). For example, our relentless routines Fantastic Walking/Lovely Lining Up should be taught in the classroom but must be reinforced in different locations and times throughout the school day e.g. at lunchtime. It is expected that all pupils will know this content.





While this curriculum is for all pupils, it will be applied differently in different year groups depending on pupils’ ages and may be applied differently depending on individual pupils’ SEND needs. Sensitivity must be applied at all times when teaching the curriculum. We need to acknowledge that reaching these high standards of behaviour will be harder for some children than it is for their peers. This doesn’t mean we lower our expectations; it means we scaffold up and help them to succeed. A good scaffold could be considered a ‘reasonable adjustment’. Some of these adjustments can be adapted, or slowly removed over time. Some of them are features of good, inclusive practice, and don’t ever need changing or removing.


Examples of scaffolding for behaviour:

Visual timetables, preparing for change, organisational prompts, over-communicating our expectations, check for understanding, pre-teaching/pre-preparing, exit cards (or similar), time to talk, reward charts, time out at end of session for reward, specific behaviour plan, social stories

Curriculum Overview


Autumn 1


Autumn 2


Spring 1


Spring 2


Summer 1


Summer 2


Explicit teaching of the full ‘Barnett Wood Way’ curriculum content


Value of the half term: Kindness

Ongoing revision of content




Value of the half term: Respect

Longer recap of ‘Barnett Wood Way’ curriculum



Value of the half term: Trust

Ongoing revision of content




Value of the half term: Resilience

Longer recap of ‘Barnett Wood Way’ curriculum



Value of the half term: Aspiration

Ongoing revision of content




Consolidation of all values

NOTE: We do not have class charters or individual class rules. All classes will follow this whole school behaviour curriculum.

Our school rules:


Be Kind

Be Safe

Be Ready

We show kindness when …..

We show we are safe when…….

We show we are ready when……..

  • we treat others how we want to be treated
  • we consider other people’s feelings
  • we say kind things to each other
  • we help others who are finding things tricky
  • we include others in our games and conversations
  • we do things for others without being asked
  • we can disagree without being unkind


  • we follow instructions to keep ourselves safe
  • we use our indoor voices in all areas of the school buildings
  • we play games that keep others safe and happy
  • we do ‘wonderful walking’ and ‘lovely lining up’
  • we make sure our environment is safe, for example tucking in our chairs, hanging up our coats
  • we use equipment safely
  • we move calmly and quietly around the classroom
  • we stay safe online and make safe choices in our community
  • we tell an adult if we do not feel safe
  • we are in the right place at the right time
  • we show that we are listening and give the teacher 100% of our attention
  • we show ‘sensible sitting’
  • we get our equipment ready to learn in good time
  • we follow instructions for learning the first time of asking
  • we listen carefully to instructions so that we know what to do next
  • we concentrate on our learning and remain focused
  • we take turns and co-operate

Our school values:






We show we are kind

when …..

We show we are respectful when…….

We show we are resilient when……..

We show we are trustworthy when…

We show we are aspirational when…..

  • we treat others how we want to be treated
  • we consider other people’s feelings
  • we say kind things to each other
  • we help others who are finding things tricky
  • we include others in our games and conversations
  • we do things for others without being asked
  • we can disagree without being unkind


  • we are thoughtful and considerate to ourselves, to others and to the world around us
  • we listen to any adult who speaks to us
  • we are polite and use our manners and say ‘hello’, ‘good morning’, ‘please’ or ‘thank you’
  • we hold doors open for other people
  • we appreciate others’ differences, including their beliefs
  • we respect our resources and care for our environment
  • we are proud of who we are as individuals
  • we persevere and are determined, even when things are tricky
  • we use our problem solving skills
  • we approach challenges with positivity and optimism
  • we say ‘we can’t do it….YET!’
  • we ask for help when we need it
  • we are in control of our emotions and we sort our problems out calmly
  • we learn from our mistakes
  • we don’t give up


  • we are honest and responsible
  • we always tell the truth
  • we accept responsibility for our own actions
  • we do the right thing, even when no one is looking
  • we are reliable and show we can carry out our roles or tasks when asked
  • we are resourceful and independent, but know to ask for help if we need it
  • we embrace challenge and aim to be the best we can be
  • we take pride in our work and presentation in our books
  • we set ourselves ambitious targets
  • we know what we need to do to achieve our targets
  • we take risks in our learning
  • we believe in ourselves
  • we encourage others to do their best
  • we recognise and celebrate ours and others’ successes


Our Relentless Routines:




Lining Up





We show this by:

We show this by:

We show this by:

We show this by:

  • walking at a steady pace
  • keeping our hands and feet to ourselves
  • staying one behind the other when walking
  • staying to one side in corridors
  • using our indoor voices
  • standing one behind the other, in our own space
  • facing forwards and standing tall
  • keeping our hands and feet to ourselves
  • waiting our turn
  • listening for the adult’s next instruction
  • entering and leaving assembly one line at a time
  • using our indoor voices


  • sitting up straight
  • hands in your own lap
  • in your own space
  • facing forward, eyes on the speaker
  • listening so that we can contribute to our learning
  • using our indoor voices
  • always being kind to others in our words and actions
  • keeping our hands and feet to ourselves
  • playing games that keep everyone safe and happy
  • using our playground equipment in the correct way
  • sharing and taking turns
  • putting equipment away when we have finished playing
  • keeping our playground litter free

