What an amazing gala we had this morning. It was great to see how confident the children were in the pool and how they encouraged each other. We hope you enjoyed it and thank you for coming.
In English this week, we have been writing poems in the style of Allan Ahlberg, specifically the poem 'Please Mrs Butler'. We had to find rhyming words and keep the correct rhythm to our poems.
In Maths, we have been making different amounts with coins, finding different ways to make the same amount and calculating change.
In music, we are busy practising songs and playing our recorders for our leaver's assembly next Wednesday. We can't wait to show you.
Next week:
English - We are writing letters.
Maths - We are revising statistics.
We are looking forward to seeing you later at the Celebration Evening. There is an art display and a chance to look at your child's work.
If possible, can you please help the children learn their lines for the leaver's assembly?
Many thanks and have a great weekend.
This week we have been busy being poets!
We have enjoyed listening to, reading and performing a range of poems all about school.
We are working towards writing our own poems.
In Maths we have learned more about telling the time and also finding durations of time.
We had fun finding out about magnetism in Science and carried out an investigation to see which magnet was the strongest.
Next week:
English - writing and performing poetry
Maths - money (making totals)
Swimming Gala - Friday morning
Celebration Evening - Friday (5-7pm)
Your child will be bringing home their words for our Leavers Assembly. Please help them to learn the words by heart, making sure they are reading nice and loudly as well.
We hope to see lots of you at our Summer Fair on Sunday!
Two more weeks until the summer holidays...!
How amazing it was for us to be together for the children's first proper sports day! The children certainly had a great time.
Most of the children visited their new schools this week and they seem to have enjoyed the experience.
In English this week we have been writing our own version of The Squirrels who squabbled. We used the rich vocabulary that we collected last week and chose our own creatures to writie about. We have also been focusing on using punctuation correctly.
In Maths we have been finding different fractions of amounts. The children are linking their learning to division, which is brilliant!
In Art the children have started to make clay masks, following the design they created last week.
(Some pictures below)
Next week:
English - Our focus is on poetry. We will be looking at poems about school life.
Maths - We will be revising time.
History - We will be creating a toy museum and need your help.
We hope you have a great weekend.
This week we have enjoyed lots of exciting learning!
In Science we investigated which paper would be the strongest for wrapping a present. We worked brilliantly in groups to carry out our investigations and made some excellent observations. We found out that wallpaper could hold almost 2 kilograms in weight!
In Maths we learned about making turns using mathematical language, such as clockwise, anti-clockwise, quarter turn, half turn, full turn and even three-quarter turn. We also used left, right, up, down, forward and backward. We had fun giving our learning partner instructions for how to move from one cone to another.
We have been busy practising various athletic skills ready for our Sports Day, which is next Friday. We hope you will be able to join us!
Our learning in English has been based around a story called 'The Squirrels Who Squabbled'. We have been taking part in some drama activities related to the story as well as learning about alliteration and onomatopoeia in preparation for writing our own versions of the story next week.
Next Week:
Maths - We will be revising how to find fractions of amounts.
English - Writing stories based on 'The Squirrels Who Squabbled'
Tuesday 28th June - Induction morning at The Greville - please take your child straight there. We will pick them up afterwards.
Wednesday 29th June - Induction Day at West Ashtead
Friday 1st July - Sports Day (morning followed by picnic)
Have a lovely weekend.
We can only begin with a massive congratulations to the magnificent maypole team. You were amazing! To perform in front of so many people with such confidence, is a real achievement.
Thank you for giving your time and energy to make this happen.
In English we have been reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We used hot seating to question Goldilocks, asking her why she had entered the bears' house. Then, putting ourselves in Goldilocks' shoes, we wrote excuses to use in our independent retelling of the 'true' story.
In maths, we have been reading scales in 2, 5 and 10. We have also revised names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes, and revised vertical lines of symmetry. See below for images of sorting of 2D shapes. Also you can revise your knowledge using these videos. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning?year=year-2
In computing this week we started using the NEEC unit for creating music. We learnt that we can make music with instruments or using an app. Take a look at ://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/ . We learnt about rythms and how to change them.
Next week:
English - we are immersing ourselves into a book called 'The squirrels who squabbled' by Rachel Bright.
Maths - we are learning about geometry - positions and direction.
Please have a look at our Safe in the sun policy on the website.
Enjoy the weekend
Welcome back to the second half of the summer term, everyone!
What a busy week we've had!
This week, we have enjoyed reading The True Story of the Three Little Pigs in our English lessons. We did some drama (hot-seating), wrote questions to ask the Big Bad Wolf and learned to use conjunctions in our writing.
Next week we will apply this learning to help us to write 'The True Story of Goldilocks'.
We have been learning about volume and capacity in Maths and had great fun measuring in cups and litres! Next week we will practise reading scales on thermometers and revise our knowledge of 2D and 3D shape. Can you name all the common 2D and 3D shapes?
In Science, we are carrying out different investigations this half term. This week we worked in groups to design and make ramps to investigate how we could make an egg roll further.
Our Maypole Team have worked hard to perfect their dances this week and are looking forward to dancing at Ashtead Village Day tomorrow. If you'd like to come along and see us, we are dancing in the main arena at around 1.15pm.
Have a lovely weekend!
Wow! What a lovely end to the half term we have had this week!
We have learned about the Royal Family and produced some fantastic writing about what we would do if we were king or queen for a day.
We have developed our comparing and measuring skills in relation to mass, weighing in grams and kilograms as well as solving problems related to mass.
Next half term we will learn about comparing and measuring volume (capacity).
We thoroughly enjoyed our Geography walk, finding 'human' and 'physical' features in our local environment. We will build on this learning next half term when we compare Ashtead to a village called Tocuaro in Mexico.
We hope you enjoyed our performance of 'The Princess and the Pea' rap this afternoon. We are so proud of our amazing Robins and Kingfishers!
The children have brought home an optional half term challenge related to the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
Have a lovely half term and we will see you all on Tuesday 7th June!
The children thoroughly enjoyed their first swim this week. Lots of enthusiastic comments from the children and our swimming teacher Miss Turner.
In English this week we have been focusing on grammar and punctuation.
In maths we have started learning about measures. Our focus this week has been length. We have measured and compared using the symbols < > =. We have also been solving word problems about length, height and width. To do so, we revised how to look for necessary information within a problem and then how to write an appropriate calculation.
We are printing our wallpaper in the style of William Morris and I must say, they look amazing. (see pictures below)
Next week:
English - We are using the Diamond Jubilee as inspiration for our learning.
Maths - We are learning about mass.
Please can we remind you that children need named sunhats and coats need to be in school on swimming days.
Have a great weekend!
This week in Year 2 we completed some reading booklets - everyone did their best reading and we are super proud of all the children!
In Science we enjoyed learning more about how animals are suited to their habitats and we also learned about food chains.
This is quite a fun game to play to help with your understanding: https://www.sheppardsoftware.com/science/animals/games/food-chain/
There are also some great little clips to watch: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zx882hv
We pretended to be estate agents, trying to sell particular habitats to different animals and produced some amazing writing!
We have been revising our knowledge of division as well as odd and even numbers. Next week we are going to be measuring in metres and centimetres, as well as completing some maths booklets.
We had a little visitor in school this week - Marty the Robot!
The children enjoyed writing algorithms for him and practising our coding skills.
Maypole Club met twice this week to practise our dances and the children are working really hard as a team.
Please note that there are no specific spellings to learn this week, but please have a look back over past spellings and practise those which you found tricky.
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend!
We were really fortunate to have a visit from Surrey Fire and Rescue yesterday. They taught the year two children how to stay safe around fire, how to get safe, if there is a fire and how to get assistance from the fire service by dialling 999. The children listened brilliantly and we were really proud of the way they engaged with their learning. (See pictures below)
In Maths this weeek we have been revising multiplication. First we looked at recognising, making and writing a number sentence for equal groups. We then wrote multiplication sentences using the x symbol. Today we finished solving word problems using multiplication.
In English we continued to link our learning to The Great Fire of London. The children have been writing expanded noun phrases in preparation for a diary entry about the fire.
Thank you to those children who have asked to be part of the maypole team. Unfortunately we are not accepting any more children into the club, as we have started learning the children's allocated dances..
Next Week:
Maths - Revision of division
English - Persuasive writing (Habitats)
This week we have enjoyed our learning about The Great Fire of London - there are always such fascinating facts to find out about!
In English the children were able to practise writing questions, statements and also using the past and present tense correctly. Next week we are going to learn skills to help us to write a diary entry.
We have become more and more confident this week at using the column method for subtraction. Next week we are going to revise multiplication, so do have a little practise over the weekend if you have any spare time! There are some nice games on Education City.
Thank you to those of you who were able to make the SATs information meeting which we held on Wednesday afternoon. If you were unable to make the meeting, do have a look at the PowerPoint presentation above. We are happy to answer any questions which you may have, so do catch us after school.
Enjoy the long weekend and see you on Tuesday!
Welcome back!
It is going to be a busy summer term and the children are already back into the swing of learning.
In Maths we are revising strategies for adding one and two-digit numbers. This week we have focused on embedding the column method.
In English we have focused on command sentences and verbs. We have orered, simplified and written command sentences. There is also lots of enthusiasm for sharing the holiday challenge the children completed over the Easter break.
Today we had our first attempt at maypole dancing. A class of 26 excited children and 16 ribbons made for an interesting start. However the children listened well and smiled a lot.
There is a letter in book bags about being in the maypole team that performs at Ashtead Village Day. Please read and return your child's slip if they wish to represent the school on that day. Those interested will need to come to maypole club on a Tuesday lunchtime.
Next Week:
Maths - We move on to revision of subtraction strategies.
English - We link our learning to the history topic of 'The Great Fire of London'.
And so we come to the end of our second term in Year 2!
This week we planted potatoes, performed our Dance showcase and learned about the history of our school. We welcomed a special visitor - Oscar's mummy - who used to come to Barnett Wood more than 30 years ago! This inspired us to write about our school now compared to what it was like in the past.
We finished our Maths unit about Time this week - keep practising reading the time on analogue clocks and finding durations of time. There are lots of activities for you to try on education city: https://go.educationcity.com/search/results/#q=Time/f=y2
The Easter Holiday Challenge is below.
Have a lovely break!
We have thoroughly enjoyed the good weather and playing on the field this week.
In English we wrote about what it is like being in Year 2. We had time to plan and to think about the things we enjoy most.
We have also been writing the next page in our plant diary. It's amazing how tall the bean and sunflower seedlings have grown.
In maths, we have been recognising and drawing the time to o'clock, half past, the quarter hours and five minute intervals
Next week
English/ History - We are learning about the history of Barnett Wood School and comparing it to our school now.
Maths - We continue to learn about time.
If you are planning to come to the Easter egg hunt on Sunday, we hope you have a great time.
We have been observing our bean and sunflower seeds as they grow. The beans certainly caught up quickly!
Enjoying our breaktimes in the glorious sunshine!
Miss Charlton told us all about playing the flute and played some great tunes for us. She was brilliant, especially as she hadn't played in nearly fifteen years!
Another week has flown by and this week we have used the story of 'The Tiny Seed' by Eric Carle to inspire us to write a range of information texts about how plants grow.
In Maths we have completed our unit of learning on fractions and are now linking this learning to the topic of 'Time'. We have revised telling the time to the hour and half hour, as well as to the quarter hour. More on this next week! Education City (www.goeducationcity.com) has lots of activities to help you to practise and develop your skills. Your log in details are in the front of your reading diaries.
We had a special visitor this week - Lily H's grandad came in to show us how he plays his guitars and banjo. He was amazing and it is so lovely for the children to be able to listen to live music being played right in front of them. The children were great audience members and asked some good questions.
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend. Spring is definitely in the air!
This week we have enjoyed reading a variety of poems on the theme of Animals. We then planned and wrote our own animal poems and some of us even managed to make them rhyme!
We have been learning to find fractions of amounts and this week we learned about thirds. As well as this we also learned about the difference between unit fractions and non-unit fractions. Next week, we will be learning a little bit more about fractions and we will also begin a unit on telling the time.
In Science we are enjoying learning about growing plants - we have several experiments set up in the classrooms and are comparing how plants grow.
A highlight this week was our visitor who came in to sing to us and play the piano. We enjoyed every minute! (See photos below).
Have a lovely weekend!
First of all we would like to thank all the wonderful parents who came with us to Wisley Gardens on Tuesday. It may have been drizzly, but the children certainly made the most of the opportunity.
There are some photos below.
In English we have been reading 'The Day the Crayons Quit' and 'The Day the Crayons Came Home' by Drew Daywalt. We all thought that Esteban the Magnificent should have an adventure of his own.
In maths we continued learning about fractions and have been recognising and finding a quarter. We have also learnt about the denominator and numerator and what they tell us.
So far in our science topic about plants, we have planted sunflowers, runner beans and wild flowers. We have also started chitting potatoes ready for planting later in March.
Next week
English - We are learning more about poetry on a theme of animals.
Maths - We continue learning about fractions, moving on to thirds and non-unit fractions.
We hope you enjoy the disco this evening and have a great weekend.
It has been a busy week back at school this week and we have had an exciting week of learning in Year 2!
We introduced our new 'Jigsaw' PSHE scheme and the children very much enjoyed meeting Jerry Cat and Jigsaw Jo, which now live in our classrooms. We had an opportunity to discuss ways of keeping healthy and talked about the meaning of feeling 'motivated' to live a healthy lifestyle.
We have enjoyed reading 'The Day the Crayons Quit' by Drew Daywalt and learning about letter writing, as well as types of sentence and a range of punctuation.
In Maths we have started a new unit of learning about 'Fractions' and this week we have focussed on 'half'. We learned to recognise and find half of shapes and amounts.
You could practise halving on 'hit the button' or play this game: http://www.snappymaths.com/counting/fractions/interactive/halfornotimm/halfornotimm.htm
We are looking forward to our first school trip to Wisley on Tuesday next week, where we will see lots of different plants growing.
Have a lovely weekend!
Believe it or not, we are half way through Year 2 and spring is on the way.
We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes this week. We have been busy counting all of their properties and using the correct vocabulary. We have also been solving problems using shape.
Our English and geography were linked this week. We have learnt facts about Norway (cold country) and Indonesia (hot country) and enjoyed writing a booklet about the two places. We used co-ordination and subordination in our sentences.
We thoroughly enjoyed carrying out an investigation which answered the question 'Do all foods melt when heated?' Lots to observe and record. (Photos below)
Dance was great fun too. We used our learning this half term to create a group dance about the Amazon Rainforest. Great co-operation! (Photos below)
We hope you have a great half term holiday and don't forget your holiday challenge.
This week we have continued our learning about 'Statistics' in Maths. We have practised collecting data in different ways including tallies, pictograms and block graphs. We learned how technology can help us to record data quickly and accurately.
We welcomed another special visitor, Isla's daddy Adam, who came to tell us all about how he uses technology in his job, working for the British Forces Broadcasting Service. Thank you so much for coming in, Adam!
In English we finished writing our stories linked to one of Pete Rumney's beautiful paintings and we spent some time editing and improving parts of our writing.
Next week is the last week of the half term. If your child takes part in Disco Club on Friday lunchtimes with Miss Charlton and Mrs Hill, they may bring in up to five accessories to wear during the club next Friday.
Phonics & Spelling: We are learning about the suffix 'ing'. How many words do you know that end in 'ing'?
English: Linked to our learning in Geography, we will be learning more about Norway and Indonesia and writing our own non-fiction booklets.
Maths: We will be revising our knowledge of 2D and 3D shape.
We have had a great week learning how to make and count tallies. We have also drawn pictograms and answered questions about the data represented. We are using the vocabulary: more, less, most, least, difference, same and represent. Keep practising counting in 2, 5 and 10 as this is useful when one picture represents 2, 5 or 10 objects.
We have planned a story that was inspired by Pete Rumney's paintings. We did lots of talk for writing before starting to plan. We also wrote sentences with expanded noun phrases inspired by his work.
In dance we have been creating a dance inspired by the rainforest. Building a routine to represent animals, plants and the weather. Our focus was to extend our body parts and move in groups of four and eight beats.
Next week:
English - To complete the stories we planned this week and make improvements where necessary.
Maths - To continue learning to create block graphs and pictograms and interpret data.
Please encourage the children to practise their recorder playing.
Have a great weekend.
Another week has flown by and we only have three weeks left until half term with lots of exciting learning planned!
On Thursday this week we had a special visitor in school! Daniel's mum, Vicky, came to tell us all about her job. She is a Geologist. We loved hearing what she does. It helped us with our PSHE learning which is all about 'Living in the Wider World' this half term.
This week in English we enjoyed listening to, reading and performing a range of poems all about weather. We did lots of rhyming practise and then had a go at writing our own rhyming weather poems. Not an easy thing to do but we had lots of fun, playing around with words and sentences.
We concluded our learning about multiplication and division in Maths this week. Keep practising and learning those facts. Remember, playing 'Hit the Button' is a really good and fun way to memorise number facts. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
In Phonics and Spelling we have been learning about different ways in which the 'l' sound can be made, using the graphemes 'le', 'el' and 'al'.
English - Linked to our Art focus, which is all about artists who represent types of weather in their work, we will be looking at the work of Pete Rumney and preparing to write stories using one of his paintings as a stimulus.
Maths - We begin a two week unit on 'Statistics'. We will practise interpreting and constructing pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and tables.
Phonics & Spelling - We will be learning about plurals.
Have a lovely weekend, everyone!
This week we have been measuring the temperature at school and writing a daily diary entry for the weather conditions. We used conjunctions to extend our sentences.
In maths we practised our dividing skills and learnt about the relationship between multiplication and division.
We enjoyed looking at the way weather is represented in famous artwork and had a go at using similar techniques. (Pictures below)
Next week:
English - Weather poetry
Maths - Completing our learning of multiplication and division.
Happy new year, everyone!
We have had a lovely few days back at school this week.
In English this week, we have been looking at a range of books by the author and illustrator Tim Hopgood. We read some of his stories and had a go at writing our own as well.
Our Maths learning about division has continued this week and we are becoming more and more confident. Remember that there are lots of activities on www.educationcity.com to help you to practise division and multiplication.
We enjoyed our Dance lesson, all about mirroring our partners' movements and in Gymnastics we are learning all about creating shapes using our bodies.
Next week we are going to be investigating the weather to find out if the mornings and warmer or colder than the afternoons.
Autumn Term has been amazing!
I hope you agree that the Christmas performance was very impressive and enjoyable. We were so proud of them all.
This week we decorated our Christmas cakes and finished creating a gift tag using Microsoft Word. We think the cakes looked very professional.
We wish you all a happy healthy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all again in the new year for some more fun learning.
This week we have been getting into the Christmas spirit by listening to different Christmas poems and writing our own poems as well.
Today we had our Christmas lunch and wore our Christmas jumpers and we even had some special visitors on the playground!
Next week, our learning in English will be based around reading and writing instructions (commands) and in Maths we will be learning about division.
You could practise by playing some multiplication and division games on Education City - your login is in the front of your reading diary.
We will be decorating the Christmas cakes which we baked this week as well.
We are excited to present our Christmas performance to you on Wednesday morning at St. George's church and we will be having our class Christmas parties on Thursday!
Have a lovely weekend and see you next week for the final week of the Autumn term!
It has been a busy week in Year 2 as we have been making some amazing Christmas decorations. This means we have been listening carefully to instructions.
Here are some of our activities.
In English this week, we have been writing the character description of a child for Mr and Mrs Twit. They are called Little Twit. We used lots of adjectives in our expanded noun phrases.
In maths we have continued to learn about multiplication. Focusing on making and using arrays and practising our 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables.
Next week
English - Our focus is poetry. We will be learning a famous Christmas poem by heart and writing our own poem too.
Maths - Continuing with multiplication and division.
Music - Practising our songs and instrumental parts for the Christmas celebration.
We wish you a restful weekend and hope that your elves are not too naughty.
We have had another great week of learning this week in Year 2.
We have enjoyed finding out about the author Roald Dahl and writing information about his life. Did you know he was a spy?? We are getting really good at making our sentences clear and remembering accurate punctuation.
Our understanding of multiplication is coming along nicely and we are starting to learn some facts by heart.
In Science this week we carried out an experiment to see if we could make fabric waterproof in order to keep Ted dry. We had mixed results but learnt a lot!
This week your child will have found out their part in our Christmas Performance which is on Wednesday 15th December. If they have a speaking part, please help them to learn to confidently say their words. Thank you!
As the weather is getting colder, if you'd like to send in a tracksuit or something similar for your child to wear for outside PE on a Wednesday, please do. We try to be outside for PE as long as the weather is not too cold!
English - We will be creating our own characters based on 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl and writing descriptions.
Phonics - We are learning about the trigraph 'air' which can also be made by 'ear' (bear) and 'are' (stare)
Maths - We are continuing our learning about multiplication and division. Try practising your quick mental recall on 'Hit the Button'.
We are also having an Art/DT week next week where we will be making a range of Christmas crafts and decorations in the afternoons instead of our DT morning, which we have, unfortunately, had to cancel.
Enjoy the weekend.
This week we have been thinking about ways in which we can be kind to each other and how being kind can make all involved feel better. We started the week with Odd Sock Day.
Look at all the different socks. We talked about celebrating difference and how being ourselves is important.
We have also enjoyed being scientists this week by carrying out an investigation to see which type of paper was best for mopping up a spillage. Everyone observed and recorded brilliantly.
Next Week
English - We will be starting a two week topic about Roald Dahl. Starting with an author study and then looking at the way he describes characters.
Maths - We start learning about multiplication and division so brush up on those 2, 5 and 10 times tables. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button is a fun way to practise number facts. There will also be a little more learning about money.
Art/DT - We will be making Christmas decorations with clay in readiness for painting during our Art/DT morning. Thank you to those who have volunteered to help on the 1st of December.
Have a great weekend!
It has been lovely to have everybody back this week. We have enjoyed learning about money in our maths lessons and finding out about our queen, Elizabeth II.
We worked with our learning partners to design a crown for a king or a queen, which we will be making next week in our DT lesson.
Next week is 'Kindness Week' at Barnett Wood.
On Monday you may come to school wearing odd socks, as we will be celebrating our differences.
English: We will be witing reports about activities that we have been doing at school over the past half term.
Phonics: The focus will be 'ow'/'ou'.
Maths: We will continue to learn about money, solving problems using addition and subtraction.
Geography: We are revising our knowledge about the four countries of the UK and their capital cities. We will be using atlases to learn about their features.
This weekend, you might like to find out about some of the special landmarks that you would find if you visited Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. Perhaps you already know some famous landmarks in England.
Robins and Kingfishers have started reading our 'Class Reader'. This is a reading book that we all read together. This half term we are reading an old favourite - 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl. If you have the book at home, you can bring it to school with you.
Have a lovely weekend.
What a strange week it has been!
We have been washing our hands thoroughly through the day and the children have been amazing. This is the video we watch at the beginning of the day.
It was great to see everyone back on Monday and hearing about all of your holiday news.
We have enjoyed learning about Queen Elizabeth I and we are making a fact sheet about her using Microsoft Word. If you have not been at school this week you might want to find out some facts about Queen Elizabeth I. Try the site below.
We also looked at a painting called The Armada Portrait and discussed what the picture was telling us.
Net Week
English - We will be learning about Queen Elizabeth II and comparing her life with Queen Elizabeth I
Maths - We will be moving on to learning about money. It would be good if the children can handle some coins at home so they can look carefully at them.
Science - We will be planning and carrying out an investigation and finding out about the qualities of different materials.
Spelling for the coming week will be given out on Monday. Kingfishers will be tested on this weeks spellings on Monday morning. Robins had their spelling test on Friday but you can test the children at home if they missed their test.
We hope you enjoy your weekend and stay well.
It seems impossible that we have reached the end of this half term already. What a busy week we have had!
Well done, everyone, for settling back into school life so well. We are very proud of you all.
The highlight of this week has to be our wonderful Harvest performance at St George's church on Tuesday. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
We have been authors this week, and wrote our own versions of 'Stuck', a great fun story by Oliver Jeffers.
HALF TERM CHALLENGE - these were sent home this week and should be in your child's book bag. We are asking the children to think about their favourite song and be ready to share their reasons for liking it with the class.
If your child would like to practise their number fact recall, they can play some of the games available on Education City - their pupil login is in the front of their reading record.
Don't forget to read regularly and learn your spelling words.
ENGLISH - We will be finding out about the life of Queen Elizabeth I. This is linked to our learning in History.
PHONICS - The phoneme we are learning about is 'ea' (as in 'head')
MATHS - We will be practising subtraction with a focus on 'column subtraction'.
SCIENCE - Our topic will be 'Uses of Everyday Materials'. We will be carrying out lots of exciting investigations!
Have a lovely break!
Robins display board in the hall
Kingfishers looked at picture books by Tim Hopgood
We have thoroughly enjoyed reading a range of books by Oliver Jeffers and looking at his website. https://www.oliverjeffersworld.com We wrote our own letters to Oliver so that we can find out more about him.
During dance this week, Kingfishers and Robins had a chance to perform to each other. We were very impressed!
We have made our Christmas card design which you will be able to order online once they have come home.
Next week
During the final week of this half term, we will be rehearsing our Harvest performance and look forward to performing in front of you all on Tuesday morning at St Georges church.
English - We continue to look at Oliver Jeffers texts with a specific focus on the story 'Stuck'. We will be planning and writing our own story in the same style.
Phonics - We are focusing on the phoneme 'oi' and its alternative 'oy', as well as revising year 1 common exception words and introducing more from the year two words.
Maths - We are continuing with addition and subtraction. Practising different strategies for both.
Please remember that school is closed on Friday 22nd and school finishes at the normal time on Thursday.
We look forward to seeing some of you at 'Bake and Taste' tomorrow.
This week in Year 2, we have enjoyed making pizzas.
This was linked to our learning about Keeping Healthy, and in particular about the different food groups. The children have learned that they need to eat a variety of foods in order to keep healthy.
We have also been using atlases to locate the four countries of the UK. If you would like to support your child to practise recognising the countries and capital cities of the UK, use this link:
Label the UK - Labelled diagram (wordwall.net)
Next week-
ENGLISH: The children will be introduced to the author Oliver Jeffers and we will read a range of his books, looking at the style of his writing and the language that he uses. We will be writing an informal letter to Oliver as well as preparing to write a story in his style.
MATHS: We are continuing our block of learning about addition and subtraction. The children have learned language such as add, addition, more, plus, total, subtraction, subtract, minus, less and difference. Ask your child to show you their preferred way of calculating.
SCIENCE: Our learning about 'Animals including humans' continues with a look at how all animals have young which later become adults themselves.
We will also be creating Christmas cards for you to buy online in time for Christmas.
This week we have been creating art work for our displays in the school hall. Each class has chosen a different author. You will be able to see our finished displays when you come in to our 'Bake and Taste' morning on Saturday 16th October.
We are finding out about keeping healthy and as part of our learning we have designed pizzas this week, which we will be making next week.
Kingfishers collage for the hall board
Here are some of the displays in Robins Class at the moment.
We have had a great week learning facts about Florence Nightingale and we wrote booklets about her life. We performed our country dance (Circassian Circle) to Mrs Gibbard this morning and she thought we were superstars!
In maths we have been counting in 10s, 5s and 2s, forward and backward. This is something you could practise at home.
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.
This week we have particularly enjoyed listening to the story of Little Rabbit Foo Foo during our English sessions. We were brilliant at drawing kingfishers and robins and our first country dancing lesson went very well! We learned how to dance the 'Circassian Circle'.
We have had a wonderful first week back at school and we love being the eldest children at Barnett Wood.
Highlights this week include a fun swim in our pool, being back with our friends and getting to know our new teachers.
We have been doing some practical maths as you can see in the photos.
Spelling words are coming home tonight. Please have a practise over the coming days.
Have a lovely weekend. We are sure all the children will need a good rest after a busy week of learning.