Role of the Friends Committee
Our Committee consists of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Events Organiser and a number of other Committee members. We meet in a very informal way once or twice a term. The meetings last about an hour where we discuss and plan events.
Members have become friends over the years and enjoy sharing other news with each other as well. You do not have to become a member of the committee to help out at any of the events. Just ask! We do welcome new faces and need your support in order to survive!
If you do become a member of the Friends Committee, there is no obligation to attend every meeting, and minutes of the meetings are available on the website.
Current Committee vacancies are:
Vice Secretary, Vice Events, Vice Publicity
Who are we:
Chair - Hannah Vincent
Vice Chair - Lorna Anderson
Joint Treasurers – Charlotte Byrne and Gemma Firth
Events co-ordinator –
Vice Events - position vacant
Appeals – Tara Hewitt
Vice Appeals – Shannon Patterson
Publicity –
Vice Publicity - position vacant
Secretary -
Vice Secretary - position vacant
Remember every Parent, Guardian or Carer is one of our Friends, please do get involved!
Friends of Barnett Wood Registered charity number 1054368