WOW! What an amazing year we've all had! The children are so grown up and have achieved so much! We have had a lovely last week of Year 1 together and everyone enjoyed spending time in their new classes again ready for Year 2.
Thank you so much for our lovely staff gifts, it has been a pleasure to teach your wonderful children this year.
We hope you all have a lovely summer and see you in September ready to be at the top of the school
Please could everyone bring in a plastic bag to take work home this week. We will be sending the work from this year home over the next few days.
Thank you
This week in English and Maths we have been recapping our learning from across the whole year! This has included spelling rules learnt, addition, subtraction and finding a quarter of a number and a shape.
All the children enjoyed spending time with their new teachers for Year 2. Year 1 are really looking forward to all the excting things next year will bring and we will continue with transition activities, including another visit with their new teachers next week.
Tonight is our Celebratory Parents Evening. The children are looking forward to sharing their work with you and it is a chance to meet the Year 2 teachers. We look forward to seeing you there!
Year 1 do not need PE kits next week and have brought them home today.
This week we have been learning about Spain. We started the week by making Sangria, everyone helped to cut the fruit and enjoyed tasting the yummy juice! We have also learnt some spanish words and phrases and played some of the popular playground games.
This week in English we wrote our own non-chronological reports and recognised the features in our writing. Next week we will be revising our writing, spelling and grammar skills.
In Maths this week we have been continuing with time. We have used timers to complete activities and looked at comparing time. Next week we will be revisiting the skills we have learnt this half term.
Next week we will also be visiting our new classes and finding out who our new teachers will be for Year 2!
We are really enjoying the sunshine at the moment Please remember to bring in a hat and apply sun cream before school or after swimming.
Next week we will be swimming on Wednesday and Thursday morning due to the Year 2 Swimming Gala.
This week Year 1 have had great fun learning all about Iceland! Next week we will be learning all about Spain. Please let us know if you have anything about Spain you would like to share!
In English next week we will be continuing our learning on non-chronological reports.
In Maths this week we have been learning about time and telling the time to the hour. We will carry on with this next week and will be telling the time to half past the hour and discussing activities that take seconds, minutes and hours to complete.
We were so proud of how well all the children did on Sports Day. It was such a great morning and lovely to see so many people stay for the picnic.
This week we have been learning about India. We made Indian rice this week, the children really enjoyed tasting the rice! We have also learnt an Indian dance this week and thank you to Sarah for showing us her traditional Indian clothes.
Next week, we'll be learning about Iceland, if you have any photos or items from a trip to Iceland please send them in!
In our English next week we will be starting to look at and write a non-chronological report about the countries we have been learning about.
In Maths this week we have been learning about Money, the children have been really good at recognising and adding the coins and notes. You might want to practise this more at home by playing this game
Next week we will be focusing on time.
Please note Year 1 will not be swimming on Friday 1st July due to Sports Morning, please come along and watch your child race with a picnic
What a great start to our 'Around the World' topic! This week we visited South Africa. We learnt about what it is like to go to school there and we even learnt some Afrikaans. Next week we will be heading to India. Please let your child's teacher know if you have something you can share with the children about India.
In English this week we wrote stories in the style of Paul Geraghty, a South African author who writes about animals. Next week we will be reading the Just So Stories and the Tinga Tanga Tales. In phonics we will be continuing to revise our sounds from the year.
This week in Maths we practised quickly recalling one more and one less, all the way to 100! Next week our topic will be money.
Our Science topic this half term is ''Animals". Next week we will be answering the question What makes a mammal, a bird and a fish?
Have a great weekend!
Please note Year 1 will not be swimming on Wednesday 22nd June.
Welcome back! We hope you had an amazing half term! We really enjoyed reading all about the children's holiday news in our first English session. The children had clearly been practising their writing over half term, well done everyone!
In Maths this week we have been looking at Number and Place Value. We started by focusing on the hundred square, the children really enjoyed playing snakes and ladders to support their counting on and back skills. Next week we will continue with Place Value to 100.
We will be starting a new Geography topic this half term looking at countries around the world. We have asked the children about the countries they would like to learn about and will work through a selection as we travel Around the World! Next week we are learning about South Africa, if you or your family have visited the country and have photos or artefacts you would like to share, please bring them in.
We hope you have a lovely weekend and had chance to make it to Village Day! We have all really enjoyed watching the Year 2 children learn the Maypole
What an exciting end to this half term we had! On Thursday we had a brilliant time visiting Windsor Castle. We began our day by learning how to become a knight and then had a walk around the outside, spotting all the castle features we had learned about including the battlements, towers,the portcullis, the moat and arrow slits. After lunch, we toured inside the castle and got to see lots of interesting things, such as the king's bed, real armour and lots of shields. The royal flag was flying but unfortunately we didn't spot the Queen. We did wave at all the windows so maybe she saw us!
Then on Friday we had great fun at the street party for the Jubilee. The children ate fish and chips and a special royal biscuit. We finished the afternoon with a lovely performance on the school field- it was great to see so many of you come to watch.
Next half term our topic will be Around the World. The children will help to choose a selection of countries they would like to learn about and we will make comparisons between our life in the UK.
In Maths we will be learning to represent, recognise and identify numbers to 100 and begin to understand the place value of each digit.
In Phonics we will continue revising the sounds we have learnt throughout the year. Please remember the Phonics Screening Check takes place the first week back- any questions please ask.
Have a brilliant half term!
This week we have been learning about Poems in our English, we have focused on acrostic poems and written our own all about our History topic, Castles. In DT this week the children made castles with a working drawbridge! Next week is our trip to Windsor Castle, we are all very excited! Please make sure your child arrives promptly on Thursday in their school uniform with a waterproof jacket and a packed lunch.
The children all really enjoyed their first swimming session in the pool, thank you to everyone who was able to volunteer to help in the changing rooms, we would not be able to run swimming without you
In Maths this week we have been learning about quarters, you may want to practise these skills at home with this fun song -
Next week in our Maths we will be using positional language, focusing on left, right, forwards and backwards.
Next Friday is our Jubilee celebration, we are really looking forward to performing the songs we have learnt.
Have a great weekend
This week we completed our unit on non-fiction writing. The children created leaflets full of facts they have learnt about castles. Next week we will be reading and writing poetry.
Our current Maths topic is fractions. This week we were finding a half of an object, a shape and a number. We will continue our learning on fractions next week and will be investigating quarters.
We have been very lucky to have a visit from Marty the Robot! The children loved learning to give him instructions and watch him dance. He will still be with us next week so the children will have more opportunities to explore and play.
In Phonics we continue to review previously learnt sounds. Next week we will be revising i (tiger), a (paper), ow (snow) and u (unicorn). Our tricky words are two, eye, thought, through and friend.
All the children now have reading books in their bookbags. They have read these books during the week as part of a group reading session with an adult. Please enjoy them together over the weekend and return on Monday. This then allows other children to read the book during the week. Thank you for your support.
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend!
This week we started to write our own Castle leaflets. We looked at examples of non-fiction writing and chose our headings for our leaflets. We will complete these next week. We also started to collage our Castle People in pairs.
In Maths this week we have been continuing with sharing and grouping. This week we focused on halves and doubles. Next week we will be looking at halving in more detail and quarters.
In Phonics next week we will be looking at the phonemes ea (bead), ir (bird), ou (cloud), oy (boy). Our tricky words will be any, many, who, whole.
Next week we will be starting our group reading sessions. Your child will read a book as part of a group with an adult. At the end of the week they will take the book home for the weekend. Please make sure the book comes back to school on the following Monday so we can start a new group book.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 1 children continue to enjoy our Castles topic and have been learning lots about what it was like to live in Medieval times. Next week we will be learning about the features of non-fiction books and using what we learn to create our own information texts about castles.
In Maths this week we have been learning to create arrays to help solve repeated addition questions. Next week we will be sharing and doubling numbers.
In Phonics we have been practising ie (pie), i-e (kite), o (go) and o-e (woke). Please see some home learning activities linked to these sounds in your child's bookbag. Next week we will be learning ue (blue, rescue), ew (chew, few), u-e (rude, cute) and aw (claw).
In Computing we are learning about robots and we have been enjoying programming them to make them move.
Please let the office know if you are able to come in and help- we would love to have you!
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Easter break. Thank you for all our lovely Easter treats. The children started the week writing their Holiday News. We also started our new topic for this half term Castles. We thought about what we wanted to find out and wrote our own castle questions. Next week we will be looking at non-fiction texts to find out the answers to these questions. If you have any non-fiction books about castles at home please bring them in to share with the class.
In Maths this week we have been continuing to count in 2, 5 and 10. Next week we will be looking at making equal groups and arranging a set into columns and rows to make an array.
In Phonics this week we have reviewed the sounds ay, e, a-e and ea. Next week we will be focusing on ie (pie), i-e (kite), o (go) and o-e (woke). With regards to reading, we are currently carrying out reading assessments to help us place the children into reading groups. These will take a few weeks to complete. In the mean time if your child needs to change their books they will now take home a 'Reading for Pleasure' book to share with you. We will notify you when we are ready to send out the group reading books.
Thank you for your continued support
What a fantastic end to the term we have had! Year 1 have loved their dance sessions with Mr Rae and enjoyed performing what they have learnt. This week the children have learnt about the Easter story and created their own Easter books.
After the Easter break, we will begin our topic on Castles. We will begin by asking and writing questions on what we would like to find out.
In Maths we will be starting our multiplication and division topic. We will begin by revising our counting in 2s, 5s and 10s skills. Listen to this Supermovers song to help you!
In phonics we will be revising our previously learnt sounds. The first week back we will focus on ay and ee and their alternatives.
In bookbags there are a list of sounds and tricky words to practise over Easter.
We hope you all have a great break and we will see you on the 19th April.
This week we have been learning about different Spring celebrations around the world. We learnt about Holi - The celebration of colour, Hanami - The cherry blossom festival in Japan, Songkran - water/new life celebration in Thailand and Easter.
In Maths this week we have been learning about Volume and Capacity. Next week will be a consolidation week of this half terms learning, focusing on Addition and subtraction and Number and Place Value.
In Phonics next week we will be looking at the phonemes - o-e, o, ou, se, ce, ey, ch, ze
Next week we will be learning about the Easter story and writing an Easter book.
The children are really looking forward to performing in the dance show on Tuesday, we hope you can make it.
This week we visited our final country of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland. We learnt some key facts, such as the capital city, and found out about the legend of the Giant's Causeway.
In Maths we used the scales to invesitgate mass and weight.
The children enjoyed celebrating Red Nose Day today and all looked great in their red outfits.
Next week in English we will be learning about different Spring celebrations and what makes them special.
In Maths we will be comparing volume and capacity and measuring the capacity of containers using non-standard units of measure, for example cubes and marbles.
In phonics our new sounds will be ear (as in learn), wr (as in wrist), s (as is whistle and science) and a schwa at the end of the word (as in actor, where you don't hear the o).
Peacocks parents and carers are invited to watch their class assembly on Friday 25th March.
This week we have been learning about England, we completed a quiz and used an Atlas to find England on the map. In Maths this week we have been continuing with measure, if you would like to practise your measuring skills at home click the link to play the game This week in Science we looked at how our bean seeds were growing and went on a nature trail round the track.
Next week in Maths we will be learning about Weight and Mass.
Our new country will be Northern Ireland.
In Phonics we will be learning the phonemes - a (as in ball), schwa (when a sound changes in a word), ere/ear (as in pear/where)
We had a brilliant time celebrating World Book Day! The children all looked fantastic in their outfits and enjoyed sharing their favourite books with their class. We learnt lots about Scotland this week and next week we will be continuing our way around the UK and finding out about England!
Next week in English we will be writing factual sentences about Spring time. Hopefully we will begin to spot many signs of the new season!
We will continue to learn alternative sounds in phonics with our focus being y (as in 'spy'), ow (as in 'snow'), g (as in 'giant') and ph (as in 'dolphin').
In Maths we are continuing our Height and Length topic and will be moving on to measuring with a ruler. Have a look at the 'Compare Lengths' game on Education City to revise this weeks learning.
Have a great weekend!
What a busy first week back! This week we started our new topic The countries of the UK. We started by learning about Wales and completed a fact file.
In Maths this week we have been counting in 2 and 5. The children have worked really hard and could show their skills on a 100 square. You might want to practise these new skills at home by singing along to this song
We have also talked about growing in our Science this week. We have put bean seeds in a bag with wet kitchen towel to see how they grow. We look forward to sharing the results with you!
We had our first dance session with Mr Rae this week! The children really enjoyed learning the new moves!
Next week we will be learning about Scotland - if you have any books at home about Scotland please bring them in to share with the class. In our Maths we will be starting our new topic of Measure, focusing on length and height. In Phonics we will be starting our Little Wandle Letters and Sounds with y, ea, wh, oe, ou.
What a brilliant time we had on our Victorian Day! The children all looked fantastic in their costumes and they experienced life as Victorian school child, taking part in activities such as woodwork, sewing and writing on a slate. On Tuesday we all really enjoyed the drama workshop. It was such a great way to finish our Victorians topic.
Next half term our topic will be 'Growing' and we will be investigating plants and what they need to survive.
In English and Geography we will be learning about Wales and creating a fact file of the information we have learnt. We will also celebrate St David's Day.
In Maths we will be learning to count in 2s and 5s.
In Science we will be planting bean seeds and observing them as they grow.
Next half term we hope to do PE outside. Please make sure your child has trainers or plimsolls. Thank you!
Thank you for all your support this half term!
This week we have been writing about our Victorians topic, we have also been looking at the Poem The Owl and The Pussycat by Edward Lear. We have learnt part of the poem and looked at the rhyming words. If you would like to listen to the poem at home click the link to learn the sign language version
In Maths this week we have looked at representing numbers using 10s and 1s and counting back with numbers to 50.
On Monday is our Victorian dress up day. Please send your child to school in Victorian style clothes, boys wore similar clothes to school uniform with maybe a waistcoat and flat cap. The girls often wore dark dresses and pinafores with maybe a light apron and mop cap. We will be taking part in Victorian school activities on Monday, then on Tuesday the children will have a Victorian workshop. Next week will be the last week of our Victorians topic.
In Maths next week we will be looking at comparing numbers.
Ducks class will be filming their class assembly next week and a link will be sent out via email.
This week we have been creating factfiles to share the information we have learnt about the Victorians. In Science, we explored animal habitats and went outside to create our own animal homes.
Next week in English we will be learning about the Victorian poem 'The Owl and The Pussycat'. In phonics we will be practising the 'au' and 'air' sounds.
Our Maths topic will be place value to 50. We will be learning to say how many tens and ones are in a given number, using the dienes resource to make the numbers. Have a look at Top Marks for some great resources to support place value.
Ducks Class Assembly Wednesday 2nd February 9.15am
Parents of children in Ducks class are invited to watch.
Have a great weekend!
This week we have been learning about the Great Exhibition, we looked at facts and completed a quiz to see what we could remember, we also wrote facts in our topic books. In Maths this week we have been focusing on subtraction and solving number sentences in different ways.
Next week we will be sketching our favourite Beatrix Potter characters in Art.
In Maths we will be focusing on adding 2 numbers using our knowledge of number bonds. If you would like to practise these skills further please use your Education City login to play games or click the link for more games
For our English we will be writing a non-fiction piece about what we have learnt so far about the Victorians.
Next week we will need everyone to bring in a pair of wellies in a plastic bag (to be hung on their peg) for our Science session on Tuesday.
Thank you
What a busy week we have had! We are really enjoying our Victorians topic and learning about famous Victorians, including Queen Victoria and Beatrix Potter. In English we have been learning to use adjectives to describe characters from stories. Our Maths topic this week is ‘Addition’. We have used different strategies, including jottings and a number line, to solve addition problems. We have also been using the ‘Work Space’ App on the LearnPads to create pictures.
Next week we will be learning about instructions and writing about the Great Exhibition. In Maths we will be solving subtraction problems. Our Phonic sounds will be alternative igh sounds (i-e, ie and igh). Have a look at the games ‘Time for a Bike Ride’ and ‘Fright in the Night’ to practise these sounds on Education City.
Have a great weekend!
Happy New Year! We started the week by talking about the Christmas break and thinking of New Year resolutions. We wrote our Holidays News independently, everyone has made great progress with their writing! In Maths this week we have been recapping Number bonds and putting numbers on a number line. We started our new topic for this Half Term Victorians.
Next week we will be writing about Queen Victoria and the characters from the Beatrix Potter stories. We will be looking at addition and subtraction and how to solve different number sentences. For our Phonics we will be learning the sounds ew, ue and looking at spelling rules.
If you would like to practise our learning at home please use Education City and remember to read your reading books
What a super last week of term we have had! The children have had a lovely time celebrating Christmas and finding out about how it is celebrated around the world. We all particularly enjoyed party day! Year 1 loved dressing up in their costumes and singing our Christmas songs. We hope you all had fun listening to them together at home.
Next term our topic will be The Victorians, with a focus on Queen Victoria. Perhaps you could research a fact about her before you return to school?
We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and we will see you in 2022!
We have had a very busy week in the run up to Christmas. We finished our Traditional Tales topic this week and have talked about the countries we want to learn about for 'Christmas Around the World' next week.
In Maths this week we have been reviewing our learning so far and have been playing games on the 100 square.
Our classrooms look very Christmassy with all the children's decorations, we will send these home at the end of next week.
Next week we will be reviewing our sounds and words taught so far and focusing on number in our Maths work. The children all looked great in their Christmas jumpers today and really enjoyed their Christmas lunch!
This week we have had a lot of fun beginning our Christmas celebrations. We have been making lots of beautiful Christmas crafts to decorate our classroom and the school hall.
Next week in English we will be writing the Christmas story and in phonics we will be revising the sounds we have learnt so far. Our Maths topic will be subtraction and using a variety of resources to help us solve problems. In Science we are continuing with our Materials topic and will be investigating waterproof materials. Have a look on Education City at the Everyday Materials section for some great games to revise what we are doing at school.
Enjoy the weekend!
This week we have investigated materials and made our own houses for the 3 Little Pigs. We tested how strong these materials were using a hair dryer as our wolf to blow them down. The children had great fun seeing if their house stayed up!
Next week we will be counting with numbers to 20 in our Maths and will review what we have learnt so far. In English we will be writing about our favourite Traditional Tale and making a story map. We will also be completing 4 Christmas crafts next week to decorate the school for December.
Our sounds for next week are ou and ow if you would like to play some phonics games at home please visit
If you would like to read more Traditional Tales there are lots available on Oxford Owls
Have a lovely weekend
This week we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have been describing their properties (for example how many faces and corners a cube has) and using shapes to create patterns.
Next week in English we will be learning to write the end of a story, as well as using adjectives and connectives to make our sentences more interesting. In phonics we will be learning the oe sound, as well as adding the suffixes 'er' and 'est' to the end of a word.
In Maths we will be returning to place value, with a focus on numbers to 20. We will begin to talk about tens and ones and will be finding the numbers on a number line.
In Science we will be investigating materials through the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'.
We will also be making moving character pictures in Design and Technology.
The children are continuing to enjoy our 'Traditional Tales' topic and love to hear different stories.
Enjoy the weekend!
This week we have continued with our Traditional Tales topic, we have been reading more of the stories and focused on Little Red Riding Hood. We have looked at how stories start and different opening sentences.
We have been continuing with Addition and Subtraction in our Maths and are all doing really well at remembering our Number bonds.
It was lovely to speak to everyone at Parent Consultations this week, thank you for coming.
Next week in English we will reading more Traditional Tales and looking at story middles. Our Phonics sounds will be oo/oo and oa. In Maths we will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
If you would like to practise some of these skills before next week, remember you can play the games on Education City for Year 1.
Welcome back to a new half term. We hope you had a lovely break. This week we have been reading the traditional tale The Little Red Hen and completing activities around the story, such as role play and baking bread. We have also learnt about the history of Bonfire Night, created firework pictures and took part in firework dancing!
Next week in English we will be learning how to write an exciting beginning to a story.
In phonics we will be learning the er, ur and ir sounds. You can practise these sounds on Education City- have a look at the games 'Surf's Up' and 'Summer River'.
In Maths we will be solving problems involving addition and subtraction and recapping the greater than > and less than < symbols.
In Science we are beginning our Materials topic. We will look at various materials and describe how they look and feel.
We will also be discussing Remembrance Day and creating poppy pictures.
Have a great weekend!
This week we have learnt about our sense of taste and completed different tasting activities. We also designed and made our own fruit salads. The children really enjoyed eating all the different fruit.
The children have settled into Year 1 so well this half term, we are all very proud of you! Have a well deserved rest over the Half Term break. If you would like to practise the learning from this half term or get ready for our new learning please play the games on Education City - the log ins can be found in the front of your child's Reading Record.
When we come back we will be starting our new topic - Traditional Tales
In Maths we will be continuing with number bonds and addition and subtraction within 10.
In Phonics we will be looking at the 'ea' sound and alternative pronunciations.
For more information on our learning next half term please see the curriculum overview below
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This week we have been learning our number bonds to 10 in Maths. We have completed lots of different activities to help us remember the ways to make 10, including making paper chains and using numicon. In Science we have been learning about our sense of smell.
Next week:
In English we will be reading the story 'Oliver's Fruit Salad' and writing our own letter to Oliver.
In Maths we will be applying our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help us solve a variety of problems.
In Science we will be investigating our sense of taste and making a fruit salad!
We will also be rehearsing our Harvest Assembly at St George's on Monday and then we look forward to sharing it with you on Tuesday.
This week we started making our musical instruments. Thank you so much for all the recycling resources, we are so grateful! We have also been planting in our outside area, the children are very green fingered!
Next week:
In Maths we will be learning about Number bonds to 10.
Our Topic will be continuing with our senses and learning about smell.
In Phonics we will be looking at u-e, ar and revising the split digraphs.
We have added some activities to Education City, linked to this half term's topics. You will be able to practise the skills we are learning in class.
To find out more about our learning please follow the link below to our Curriculum overview
Have a lovely weekend
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This week we have continued our learning about the senses and have been finding out about sight. We have learnt about the different parts of our eye and also learnt lots about Louis Braille. We have also created pictures using the LearnPads. Enjoy the weekend!
As part of our Topic this half term we are making instruments using recycled materials. Please find the list of materials needed to make your child’s instrument in their book bag. Please send in this number of items in a named plastic bag for your child to use, by Thursday 7th October. We will provide extra decorative resources.
Thank you
The Year 1 team
Next week we are making mindfulness jars, please could we have donations of empty small plastic jars. Please send these in with your child to give to their class teacher.
Thank you
This week we have started learning about our senses, we have been learning about hearing. We learnt about Evelyn Glennie, who is a deaf composer. We also used cups and string to make our own phones. Next week we will be learning about our sight and thinking about how our eyes work. Have a lovely weekend!
What a lovely week we have had! We are enjoying our 'Amazing Me' topic and have continued to learn all about ourselves. We created our self-portraits using sketching pencils and made a map of our school. Thank you to everyone who came to Meet the Teacher- the notes are on the website.
Ducks 9.30am - 10.25am
Peacocks 11am - 11.25am
We have enjoyed our first week in Year 1! We are so proud of how well the children have settled in. This week we have been in our outside area enjoying the sunshine. The children all really enjoyed their swim today, thank you to our pool supervisors and parent helpers.