
Barnett Wood Infant School


The aim of our maths curriculum is for every child to have access to the best possible teaching and learning experiences which also takes account of children’s different learning styles. We provide a well organised, mathematically rich and engaging curriculum supported by a range of excellent resources. Pupils will achieve at least, the standards in the National Curriculum and EYFS at the relevant stage. They will also build on their previous knowledge and be able to apply this to a range of problems.


Pupils will learn:

•          To develop a positive attitude towards maths

•          To follow the maths mastery approach to learning.

•          To develop confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value

•          To encourage a confident approach to reasoning mathematically and problem solving

•          To become proficient in the use of a range of measures to describe and compare

•          To handle data with efficiency and understanding

•          To model problems with concrete apparatus

•          To develop the speaking, reading and spelling of mathematical language which children can use appropriately

•          To use computing as a tool to enhance learning

•          To become independent learners

•          To experience real life context to learning in Mathematics


The National Curriculum (2014) is at the core of our teaching and learning in Years 1 and 2.   The NCETM Mastering Number scheme is also taught four times a week, which enables pupils to improve fluency in number. 

Maths planning follows the standards specified in these areas:

  • Number and place value
  • Number  - addition and subtraction
  • Multiplication and division
  • Fractions
  • Measurement
  • Geometry -  properties of shape

                          -  position and direction    

  • Statistics  (Year 2)


In Reception, teaching is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework where mathematics is a specific area of learning. The NCETM Mastering Number Scheme is supplemented with White Rose small steps learning.

Planning and the enablement of child initiated learning provides children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in the following areas:

  • counting
  • understanding and using number
  • calculating simple addition and subtraction problems
  • recognising and continuing patterns
  • describing and comparing shapes and measures


Barnett Wood follows the maths mastery approach to teaching and learning. We teach mathematical concepts in blocks as set out in the White Rose long term plans and the small steps planning associated with each block. Fundamental skills are revised, built on and linked to new learning from Reception through to the end of Year Two. 


In years 1 and 2, all pupils have a dedicated daily mathematics lesson. Within these lessons there will be a balance between whole-class work, group teaching and individual practice.

A typical lesson will usually be structured to include:

  • Oral work and mental calculations. This will involve whole-class work to rehearse, sharpen, link concepts and develop mental and oral skills. 'Flashback 4' questions are used for retrieval practice.
  • The main teaching and learning activity. This will include teacher input and pupil activities and a balance between whole-class, grouped, paired and individual work. These activities will have a practical element where pupils use manipulatives, but they may also use drawings or written calculations to demonstrate understanding.
  • Opportunities during the lesson to reason about the concepts being taught. This will usually involve work with the whole class but can also be a discussion with individuals to identify progress, address misconceptions, to summarise key facts and ideas, to make links to other learning and discuss next steps. The teacher will use this time to assess learning and provide challenge activities for pupils who are secure in the main objective being taught.
  • Support for pupils who need it and intervention when necessary.
  • Discreet Mastering Number sessions four times each week

Teacher assessment

Both formative and summative assessment identifies the needs and progress of each child. Assessments will be used to inform teaching in a continuous cycle of planning, reviewing, teaching and assessment.

Assessment will take place within a lesson to check understanding and give the teacher information with which they will adjust day-to-day lesson plans where necessary or provide timely intervention. Assessment will also take place at the end of each half-term or at the end of a block, as appropriate. Records of which are kept using tracking grids.

Statutory Assessments will take place at the end of Key Stage 1. Teachers also draw upon class records of attainment against key objectives, supplementary notes and evidence to produce a summative record. Accurate information will then be reported to parents, subject leader and the child’s next teacher.


In Reception, a baseline assessment of knowledge is acquired during the first few weeks in school. Ongoing teacher observations and assessments will be used to build a picture of each child’s learning journey, for any necessary intervention and to inform planning. This information will also be used when considering progress against early learning goals at the end of the year.

Overall, pupils will have developed an understanding of mathematical concepts taught in each year group and be able to reason, link and use this knowledge to solve everyday problems. They will be able to choose and use manipulatives, drawings and any formal strategies confidently, to find answers.

Pupils will be able to articulate their ideas and understanding using relevant mathematical vocabulary.

Pupils will develop an ‘I can’ attitude to learning mathematics.

Pupil’s books will show a progression in learning and increased independence.

Classes will develop a maths learning wall which reminds pupils of past and present learning and linked ideas.


