
Barnett Wood Infant School


At Barnett Wood Infant School, we are committed to providing a high-quality Science education for all our pupils. We aim to ignite a curiosity and fascination for the world around them, encouraging them to ask questions, make observations, and think critically about scientific concepts and phenomena. We believe that Science education plays a crucial role in nurturing children’s natural curiosity and developing their understanding of the world in which they live.


Our intent is to deliver an engaging and accessible science curriculum, which will provide all pupils with the necessary knowledge, skills, and understanding, building on previously learnt content to become scientifically literate individuals, who know more, remember more and do more. We recognise that science can be a powerful tool in developing our pupils’ problem solving, critical thinking and investigative skills. Hence, the priority of delivering a science curriculum that offers hands-on practical experiences, encouraging pupils to apply scientific knowledge in a range of context, fostering a sense of excitement and awe.


Through our science curriculum, we are determined to inspire and motivate pupils to explore, questions and investigate the world around them. This is achieved through providing opportunities for children to work scientifically, developing their ability to plan fair tests, make accurate observations, analyse data and draw valid conclusions. By engaging in practical activities, discussions and group work, pupils will learn the importance of collaboration, communication, and respecting others’ opinions.


We are committed to ensuring that our science curriculum is inclusive, accessible, and meets the needs of all of our pupils. All staff adapt teaching approaches and use a range of resources, including multimedia, real-life examples, and visits to enhance learning experiences. We actively promote diversity, promoting the notion that science is for everyone, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, or ability.


In addition to the knowledge and skills acquired, we aim to foster a sense of responsibility among our pupils towards the environment and the planet. Through learning about sustainability, conservation, and the impact of human actions on the natural world, children will develop an appreciation and understanding of the importance of taking care of our planet.


By delivering a well-rounded and inspiring science curriculum, in line with the KS1 Programmes of Study set out in the National Curriculum (2014), we aim to equip our pupils with the necessary knowledge, skills and curiosity to embrace the every-changing scientific world, fostering a lifelong love for science and an understanding of its relevance in their lives.





Barnett Wood Infant School has adopted the White Rose Science (WRS) scheme to effectively implement a comprehensive and engaging science curriculum for all of our pupils which meets the expecations set out in the National Curriculum (2014) Programme of Study for Key Stage 1.


  1. Planning and Sequencing

Science is carefully planned for, following the sequence of the yearly overview set out by  WRS. This ensures a logical progression of knowledge and skills, taking into consideration pupils’ prior learning and building upon their existing knowledge. WRS schemes of learning for each block are then used to create a unit planner, which includes: the expectations of pupils who are working towards, working at and working beyond the expected level; learning objectives (knowledge based and scientific enquiry based) for each session; flash back 4, to support pupils in retrieving knowledge from their long term memory; small steps; vocabulary; possible misconceptions; resources and whole class and group learning.


       2. Delivery of Learning

At Barnett Wood, Science lessons are taught explicitly and are timetabled weekly for approximately 40 minutes in Year 1 and Year 2. In EYFS, Science experiences are taught through ‘Understanding the World’ sessions which link to the topics being taught. However, children are immersed in daily scientific opportunities through play where they are exploring the environment around them with some enhancements in areas e.g. ice in the water tray to investigate changes of state.


3. Staff professional Development

To effectively implement a high quality meaningful Science curriculum through the implementation of the White Rose Science scheme, we are committed to providing continuous professional development opportunities for our staff. This includes the subject lead and staff attending training sessions and workshops delivered by White Rose Education, as well as encouraging collaboration and sharing of best practices among teachers. Areas of focus for staff professional development are identified through learning walks and pupil conferencing carried out by the subject lead.


           4. Resources and Equipment

We have a variety of resources and equipment for teaching science in our school which facilitate hands-on practical experiments and investigations to support the learning outlined in the WRS scheme. These resources are kept in a central store and are accessible to all teachers, promoting active learning and scientific enquiry. We are constantly developing out outdoor learning space to enable learning to extend outside of the classroom. Our locality provides us with learning opportunities which our school grounds are unable to, for example: Ashtead Common, used for seasonal changes walks and school trips to Nower Wood in EYFS and Wisley in Year 2, where field work takes place.


         5. Equality and Inclusion

The Science curriculum is delivered to all children regardless of their culture, religion, gender and ability. We ensure that all our children have the opportunity to gain science knowledge and understanding regardless of gender, race, class, physical or intellectual ability. The needs of all children are catered for through differentiation, intervention strategies and scaffolded learning. Differentiation for children with special needs includes variation in the presentation of work and in the forms of recording. Children working above the expected levels will be appropriately challenged through the provision made for learners who are able, gifted or talented. There will be times when learners work in mixed ability groups, especially in investigative work, which can be beneficial to all learners. A Learning Support Assistant may give support where this is needed.


          6. Cross curricular links and enrichment

Science lessons planned for using the White Rose Science scheme allow for our pupils to make meaningful connections with other subjects, creating a holistic learning experience. Pupils have the opportunity to link science with other areas of the curriculum including: Literacy (e.g. non-fiction Talk for Writing unit- Ducklings in EYFS) and Maths (e.g. data collection and recording of outcomes in experiments). An annual science club is run by staff for all year groups once a year, providing pupils with the opportunity to build upon their knowledge and skills from the formally taught curriculum and engage in experiments which inspire and captivate. All of which provide enriching and engaging experiences for our pupils.


          7. Parental engagement

We actively involve parents and carers in their child’s science education at Barnett Wood Infant School. This is achieved through: curriculum features in newsletters, sharing of learning in class assemblies, year group half termly curriculum overviews, weekly learning highlights on year group class pages and in EYFS observations shared with parents on Tapestry. All of which encourage collaboration between school and home.


          8. Assessment and Attainment

Regular formative and summative assessments are incorporated into our science curriculum. ‘Flash back four’ at the beginning of sessions allows for teachers to assess children’s knowledge and skills linked to previous learning from different points e.g. last lesson, from the last unit or last academic year. During lessons, children’s learning is measured using observations, key questioning, marking and annotation of children’s work.

At the end of each unit, children complete a self-assessment grid which are stuck into their exercise books, where they identify with a tick if they are confident in the knowledge and skills they learnt, the teacher then completes the same assessment grid and adds a comment which highlights particular strengths or areas for development. As the development of pupil’s knowledge and skills is developed through hands-on experiences, these are recorded using floor books, where photographs and comments made by the children are included and can be used as a prompt for pupils when talking about their scientific learning. These floor books follow the class throughout their time at Barnett Wood. Pupil progress; shown in exercise books and floor books, and assessment data is used to adapt teaching strategies, providing targeted support to all learners, ensuring they are making progress in their scientific knowledge and skills.

In EYFS children’s ongoing assessment is carried out using child initiated and teacher directed activities. In both cases this information is used as a basis for assessing the progress of each child.

In the EYFS curriculum, within Understanding the World: The World, Birth to 5 Matters (2021) describes age-related expectations for children in age bands. The most appropriate bands for children in Reception are 5 and 6. This document helps to plan and assess (Assessment for learning) for children’s innate curiosity to investigate the world and to record those investigations. At the end of the year, children will receive a judgment to indicate if they are working at the Expected level or if they are Emerging. If they are judged as emerging, extra support can be put in place as part of their transition in KS1.


Progress of pupils in EYFS and KS1 is recorded on Sonar, the schools data collection hub, identifying if each individual in EYFS as ‘working below’ or ‘working ‘at’ in Understanding the World and those in KS1 as: ‘working below’, ‘working just at’, ‘working at’, ‘securely at’ or ‘above’.


         9. Regular Review and Evaluation

 The implementation of the White Rose Science scheme is reviewed regularly through       discussions with staff, feedback from pupils through 'pupil conferencing', observations of lessons and book looks. This helps to identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to ensure the scheme is implemented effectively and meets the needs of all pupils. 



By implementing the White Rose Science Scheme, Barnett Wood Infant School aims to provide a high-quality science education that fosters curiosity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love for scientific exploration among our pupils.

Through their time at Barnett Wood children gain a deep understanding across a range of Scientific subjects including plants, animals, habitats, materials and seasonal changes. They also gain key skills, such as asking and answering simple questions, making careful observations, performing simple tests and gathering and recording data. They retain this information as they regularly revisit the content and have opportunities to apply their skills, as well as progressing further by deepening their knowledge. Pupils speak positively about Science, saying they enjoy their learning. Children produce quality pieces of work which reflect their achievements. The quality of writing matches that of the writing completed in English, and is often approached as a cross-curricula link, with high expectations set for writing produced in Science. The majority of children meet the expected standards, or higher, and their progress in maintained throughout the year.
